Parallax Testimonials

What Others Have to Say About Our Program

  • Our student participants are eager and enthusiastic about their weekly adventure. Other students are trying to get into the program. I have had the pleasure of observing our participants. Their faces tell the story. Expressions of joy and accomplishment permeate the room. Often students will let you know emphatically that the program is lots of fun. As an educational administrator, the essence of the educational process should be fun. This unique and wonderful program has allowed our special needs population an opportunity to learn how to play the guitar while they are engaged in concept building and the acquiring of a variety of learning skills. The Guitars not Guns Program is a tremendous asset to Rock Creek Academy.

    — Bettye A. Bellamy, High School Principal —
  • I cannot express to you the joy you brought to our boys last night…They are all so excited to be a part of your program.

    — Nick, Boys Group Home Manager —
  • When (the guitar teachers come) I feel that I can be as good as them at guitar.

    — Ryan, Student in homeless shelter —
  • [/testimonial_slide]
  • After exploring the inner landscapes of the Guitars not Guns Program, I agreed to move forward and introduced (the program) to our students. By all means, it is probably one of the best decisions that I have made as Principal of the high school program at Rock Creek Academy.

    — Bettye A. Bellamy, High School Principal —
  • I like playing the guitar because it expresses how you feel through music. Playing the guitar is a lot of fun. It may look hard but it is very easy once you learn the notes. I think being in the guitar class helps a lot of students express themselves through playing it. Playing the guitar is a lot of fun. I play the guitar when I don’t express myself and I think it helps a lot. I enjoy playing the guitar.

    — Imani, Student —
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